Whenua Management

“Manaaki te whenua, manaaki te tangata, ka ora ai te ao”

“Nurture the land, nurture the people, the future is strong.”

Climate change is an increasing priority for New Zealand and environmental projects are a natural alignment for our company. Our post Covid-19 strategic recovery was to diversify our client base with Iwi and community groups by leveraging our company proven track record and reputation for excellence into operations including indigenous forestry, riparian planting, silviculture and weed control.

Diversification of our client base and skillsets across a range of environmental operations presents exciting opportunities for our company growth to ensure we are well placed to be successful in the future including:

a) Supporting Maori land owners in whenua development and restoration through local and central government primary sector initiatives (Jobs for Nature, Predator Free 2050)

b) Facilitate a collective alliance approach with contractors to combine our resources, skills and expertise in all forestry operations. This has the added benefit of building capability and capacity across a community of stakeholders.

Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku - Hub 6 Framework for Restoring the Mauri of the Ngahere.

Since November 2020, Jodie and Annabell were apart of a working group with Tura Ngāti Te Ngākau Hapu Trust developing a Phase 1 framework for the protection and restoration of the southern Kaimai Mamaku range.

We have successfully secured a Phase 2 three year $3m Jobs for Nature pest control program for the Iwi and its collective partners.

Whenua Management Operations

We are have also successfully managed silviculture and post-harvest Whenua restoration activities on behalf of Iwi Ahuwhenua trusts


Te Toke Ahuwhenua Trust - Reporoa

Post-harvest Whenua restoration to operationalise a program of action to restore and protect 307ha after 28 year Forestry Right Agreement with Hancock Forest Management.

Kapenga M Trustee Company Limited- Ngakuru

5ha restoration and riparian planting of 33,334 mixed native seedlings.

Okoheriki 2C4C3 Trust - Tarukenga

39ha double lift Pune to 4.5m leaving a minimum 4m green crown.